食品质量安全是全球消费者关心的问题,为进一步交流国内外最新食品质量安全检测技术与标准, 跟踪AOAC标准项目进展,了解AOAC/ISO/IDF国际乳品标准项目的进展, 搭建有利于我国检测方法与国际检测标准沟通与合作的桥梁,AOAC中国分部等单位于2025年3月25-27日在深圳安蒂娅美兰酒店联合举办AOAC食品检测技术与标准研讨会。
Food safety and quality is high concern of worldwide consumers. We would like to cordially invite you to attend the AOAC Food Analytical Science and Standards 2025. This meeting will be held on March 25-27, 2025 in Shenzhen, China.
The purpose of the meeting is to provide a platform/bridge for scientists and regulators from China and global to exchange the advanced analytical science and standards, to know the update scientific activities of AOAC, ISO and other international organizations on analytical standards, with involvement from China. The progress of GB evaluation program and harmonization with international standards will also be presented and discussed.
l 我国检测标准与国际标准的沟通、协调与互认
l 食品安全国家标准检验方法评价研讨
l 食品新型污染物的风险评估及检测技术
l 食品营养素及新功效性营养成分的检测方法
l 快检方法标准化及智慧实验室
l 微生物检测技术
l 标准物质研发及应用
l 食品过敏原检测技术
l 乳品及特医食品检测技术
l 新型持久性有机污染物检测
l 其他行业高关注项目检测技术
Darryl Sullivan, AOAC SPIFAN Chair
Eugster Philippe, AOAC vitamins expert, Nestle Research
Thierry Delatour, AOAC PFAS working group member, Nestle Research
Xanthippe Theurillat, AOAC PFAS working group member, Nestle Research
Thomas Bessaire, EN mycotoxins author, Nestle Research
Claudio Cornaggia, Technical committee member of ICC, Neogen
TAKGYOZYAN Armen, Special Nutrition Microbiology Leader, Danone Global
VAN DER BLOM Leon, Special Nutrition Chemistry Leader, Danone Global
Stefano Colombo, ISO TC34/SC9 expert, Merieux NutriSciences
2025年3月25日(星期二) 时间:13:30-19:00
2025年3月26日(星期三) 时间:08:00-16:00
March 25, 2025 Tue, Time: 13:30-19:00
March 26, 2025 Wed, Time: 08:00-16:00
Place: Shenzhen Anthea Hotel (Lobby, Meijing Xuan, Building B)
(Address: No. 108 Reservoir Road, Xixiang street, Baoan district, Shenzhen, China).
Contacts: Ms. Jiang (mobile 18253209503)
2025年3月26日(星期三) 大 会 报 告
| |
大会场宴会厅A A Hall | |
09:00-09:30 | 开幕仪式 Opening Ceremony |
09:30-12:00 | 国内外检测标准组织对话与合作 主持嘉宾: 梁成珠 AOAC中国分部主席 肖晶 国家食品安全风险评估中心标准四室 主任 Dialogue on collaboration of China & International Standards Organizations Chair: Dr. Chengzhu Liang, President, AOAC China section Co-chair: Jing Xiao, director, CFSA |
09:30-09:45 | AOAC科研项目及全球标准互认进展 Katerina Mastovska, 副执行董事兼首席科学官, AOAC INTERNATIONAL Update of activities of AOAC INTERNATIONAL Katerina Mastovska, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Science Officer, AOAC INTERNATIONAL |
09:45-10:05 | 中国国家标准体系介绍 国家市场监管总局标准委专家 Introduction to China’s national standard system SAMR expert |
10:05-10:25 | AOAC和CODEX国际标准方法开发流程及验证要求 Claudio Cornaggia, AOAC膳食纤维和其他碳水化合物倡议工作组成员, 国际谷物科学与技术协会(ICC)技术委员会委员 AOAC and CODEX international standard method development process and validation Dr. Claudio Cornaggia,AOAC WG member on Dietary Fiber and Other Carbohydrates initiative, and Technical Committee member of ICC |
10:25-10:45 茶歇 Coffee break | |
10:45-11:05 | 国家食品安全标准梳理及国标跟踪评价项目介绍 肖晶 国家食品安全风险评估中心标准部四室 主任 Introduction of GB standard system and GB follow up evaluation program Jing Xiao, director of standard center, CFSA |
11:05-11:25 | 未来微生物培养标准方法的证实方向:无公开确认数据的标准方法 ISO vs GB Stefano COLOMBO,梅里埃营养科学微生物技术总监(MEA/ASPAC) The future of standard cultural standard methods without validation data: ISO vs GB Stefano COLOMBO, Microbiology Director ASPAC, Merieux NutriSciences |
11:25-11:45 | 污染物限量制订原则及国内外动态 邵懿 国家食品安全风险评估中心标准二室副主任 研究员 Status and Trend of food Contaminants and limits setting criteria in China and International Yi Shao, Professor, CFSA |
12:00-13:30 午餐 Lunch |
2025年3月26日(星期三)第1天 分 会 报 告 March 26, 2025, Wed, First day, Branch-sessions | |
13:30-15:30 (宴会厅A) A Hall | 论坛一:食品安全与动物保健领域精准快检技术的应用和发展 主持人:王海玲 中国质量检验检测科学研究院测试评价中心 评价与认证部部长 Session 1:Application and development of accurate and rapid detection technology in food safety and animal health Chair: Hailing Wang, Director, Testing and Evaluation Center of the Chinese Academy of Quality Inspection and Testing Science |
13:30-13:50 | 食品安全快速检测的自动化探索 严义勇 深圳市易瑞生物技术股份有限公司 集团副总裁及研发技术总监 Exploration of automation in food safety rapid detection Yiyong Yan, Shenzhen Bioeasy, VP and Head of R&D Department |
13:50-14:10 | 粮油中苯并[a]芘的新型快速检测技术 陈日升 华南农业大学和深圳易瑞生物技术公司 博士/化学合成工程师 Novel Rapid Detection Techniques for Benzo[a]pyrene in Grain and Oil Risheng Chen, Doctor/Chemical Synthesis Engineer, South China Agricultural University |
14:10-14:30 | 精准检测技术在动物保健领域中的应用 杨波 深圳易瑞 研发高级工程师 Application of Precision Detection Technologies in the Field of Animal Health Care Bo Yang, Senior Engineer R&D, Bioeasy |
14:30-14:50 | 食品快检技术的评价与应用 王海玲 中国质量检验检测科学研究院测试评价中心评价与认证部 部长 Evaluation and application of rapid food detection technology Hailing Wang, The Evaluation and Certification Department at the Testing and Evaluation Center of the Chinese Academy of Quality Inspection and Testing Science, Director |
14:50-15:10 | 守护饭桌上的安全:微生物测试片在食品检测中的实践与突破 唐子晴 深圳市易瑞生物技术股份有限公司 研发主管 Safeguarding of the Eating Table: Applications and Breakthroughs of Microbial Count Plate in Food Detection Ziqing Tang, Shenzhen Bioeasy Biotechnology Co., Ltd., R&D Supervisor |
15:10-15:30 | RMP和PTP双资质认可的经历分享 莫秋华 深圳市易瑞生物技术股份有限公司 首席科学家 Experience sharing of dual qualification accreditation for RMP and PTP Qiuhua Mo, Shenzhen Bioeasy Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Chief Scientist |
15:30-15:40 茶歇 Coffee break | |
15:40-17:40 (宴会厅A) A Hall | 论坛二:标准物质和关键耗材的评价和质控 主持人:李富娟 上海安谱实验科技股份有限公司 市场总监 韦昱 国家食品安全风险评估中心 Session 2:Evaluation and Quality Control of Reference Materials and Critical Consumables Chair: Li Fujuan, ANPEL Lab Technologies (Shanghai) Inc., Marketing Director |
15:40-16:00 | 《食品安全国家标准化学分析方法验证通则》解读 岳振峰 深圳职业技术大学 食品质量与安全专业主任 Introduction of National Food Safety Standard - General Rules for the Validation of Chemical Analytical Methods Yue Zhenfeng, Shenzhen Polytechnic University, Professor |
16:00-16:20 | 食品检测用标准物质的设计开发与质控 赵源 上海安谱璀世标准技术服务有限公司 总经理 Design, Development, and Quality Control of Reference Materials for Food Testing Zhao Yuan, ANPEL-TRACE Standard Technical Services (SHANGHAI) Co.,Ltd., General Manager |
16:20-16:40 | 特医食品中氨基酸的测定 张协光 深圳市计量质量检测研究院 主任 Determination of Amino Acids in Food for Special Medical Purpose Zhang Xieguang, Shenzhen Academy of Metrology & Quality Inspection, Director |
16:40-17:00 | 食品检测用关键耗材的开发与商品化 陈武炼 上海安谱实验科技股份有限公司 研发总监 Development and Commercialization of Key Consumables for Food Testing Chen Wulian, ANPEL Laboratory Technologies (Shanghai) Inc., Doctor R&D Director |
17:00-17:20 | 美拉德反应产物检测技术研究 吕明春 SGS中心化学实验室 技术经理 Research on the detection technology of by-products in the Maillard reaction |
17:20-17:40 | 超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法同时测定中药材中有机磷农药残留 黄礼明博士 中国香港特别行政区政府化验所分析及咨询事务部 中药组化验师 Simultaneous Determination of Organophosphorus Pesticide Residues in Chinese Herbal Medicines using Ultra-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry Ella Lai-ming Wong, Chemist, Chinese Medicines Section, Analytical and Advisory Services, Government Laboratory, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
13:30-15:30 (宴会厅B) B Hall | 论坛三:食品微生物过程控制及检测新方法 主持嘉宾:逯刚 内蒙古蒙牛乳业(集团)股份公司 总监 Session 3:Novel Methods for Microbial Process Control and Detection in Food Chair: Gang Lu, Director of Inner Mongolia Mengniu Dairy (Group) Co., Ltd. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
13:30-14:00 | 国内外食品加工过程微生物控制标准比对分析 郭云昌 国家食品安全风险评估中心研究员 Comparative Analysis of Microbial Control Standards in Food Processing: Domestic and International Perspectives Yunchang Guo, Researcher, National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14:00-14:30 | 食品微生物快速检测方法的趋势 曾静 中国海关科学技术研究中心研究员 Trends in Rapid Microbial Detection Methods for Food Jing Zeng, Researcher, China Customs Science and Technology Research Center | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
14:30-15:00 | 嗜冷菌检测问题和新方法开发 喻东威 蒙牛集团质量安全研究部技术总监 Issues about testing Psychrotrophic Microorganisms and Development of new detection method Dongwei Yu, Technical Director of Quality and Safety Research Department, Mengniu Group | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15:00-15:30 | 食品中蜡样芽胞杆菌风险及创新检测方法 赵现明 纽勤中国食品安全资深现场技术专家 Risks of Bacillus cereus in Foods and Its Novel Detection Method Xianming Zhao, Senior Field Technical Expert for Food Safety, Neogen China | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
15:30-15:40 茶歇 Coffee break | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
2025年3月27日(星期四) 第2天 分 会 报 告 March 27, 2025 Thu,Second day, Branch sessions | |
08:30-10:35 (宴会厅A) A Hall | 论坛六:AOAC国际乳蛋白水解物检测标准工作组会议 & GB乳铁蛋白检测标准研讨会 Session 6: AOACI DPH WG meeting & GB Lactoferrin Method Study 主持嘉宾: 王紫菲 国家食品安全风险评估中心 研究员 林琪 AOAC 水解乳蛋白工作组联合主席 雅培营养研发中心副研究员 Chair: Zifei Wang, National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment Qi Lin, Working Group Co-Chair, AOACI Diary Protein Hydrolysate, Associate Research Fellow, Abbott Nutrition Research & Development |
08:30-8:50 | AOAC 国际乳蛋白水解物检测方法工作组介绍 Katerina Mastovska, 副执行董事兼首席科学官, AOAC INTERNATIONAL Greer Macrae, 科学项目经理, AOAC INTERNATIONAL Introduction of AOACI Dairy Protein Hydrolysate Working Group Katerina Mastovska, Deputy Executive Director and Chief Science Officer, AOAC INTERNATIONAL Greer Macrae, Manager of Science Programs, AOAC INTERNATIONAL |
8:50-9:05 | 特婴产品蛋白水解物分子量分布方法介绍 林立 北京市食品研究院 仪器分析室主任 Introduction of Protein Hydrolysate Determination Method in Infant FSMP Li Lin, Director of Instrumental Analysis Unit, Beijing Food Safety Monitoring and Risk Assessment Center |
| 蛋白水解物和含蛋白水解物的营养产品中肽分子量分布的研究 王晨 雅培贸易(上海)有限公司中国研发中心 Characterisation of Peptide Molecular Mass Distribution in Commercial Hydrolysates and Hydrolysate-based Nutritional Products Chen Wang, Abbot Nutrition China R&D Center |
9:20-9:40 | 问题与讨论 Q&A |
9:40-10:10 | 对食品中乳铁蛋白的测定国标GB5009.299-2024 适用范围扩大方法的研究 西田徳親 森永乳业株式会社 研究本部 素材应用研究所 乳材料应用研究室 部门负责人 Study on the Expansion of Application Scope for Lactoferrin Detection Methods (GB5009.299-2024) in various Foods Norichika Nishida, Dairy Materials & Applications Research Section, Food Ingredients & Technology Institute, R&D Division, Section Head |
10:10-10:30 | 乳铁蛋白检测方法参数对检测结果的影响 刘永成 飞鹤集团 理化经理 The impact of lactoferrin detection method parameters on assay results Liu Yongcheng, Feihe Group, physical and chemical manager |
10:30-10:40 茶歇 Coffee break | |
10:40-12:00 (宴会厅A) A Hall | 论坛七:乳品及特医食品检测技术 主持嘉宾:肖晶 国家食品安全风险评估中心 VAN DER BLOM Leon 达能全球特殊医学营养品分析化学负责人 Session 7: Dairy and Foods for Special Medical Purposes Testing Technology Chair: Jing Xiao, CFSA VAN DER BLOM Leon, SN Chemistry AE Leader, Danone Global |
10:40-11:00 | 特医检验方法适用性研究 张协光 深圳市计量质量检测研究院主任 Study on the applicability of methods for formulations for special medical purposes Xieguang Zhang, Director, Shenzhen Academy of Metrology and Quality Inspection |
11:00-11:20 | 母乳低聚糖的检测方法研究及应用 张慧 达能 中国区域质量与食品安全技术专家 VAN DER BLOM Leon 达能全球特殊医学营养品分析化学负责人 HMO detection and application Hui Zhang, Regional Technical Expert on Quality and Food Safety, Danone China VAN DER BLOM Leon, SN Chemistry AE Leader, Danone Global |
11:20-11:40 | 水解蛋白肽分子量分布检测技术的研究(题目待定) Study of molecular weight distribution detection techniques for hydrolyzed protein peptides |
11:40-12:00 | GB 及ISO对培养基质量控制要求的分析探讨 TAKGYOZYAN Armen 达能 全球特殊医学营养品微生物负责人 Considerations on GB and ISO requirements on culture media quality control TAKGYOZYAN Armen, SN Microbiology AE Leader, Danone Global
08:30-10:35 (宴会厅B) B Hall | 论坛八:新型食品及原料检测与评价技术 Session 8:Methods for novel food and ingredients analysis and evaluation 主持人:万渝平、李绍波 成都市食品检验研究院(市场监管总局重点实验室新食品原料监测与评价) |
08:30-9:00 | 天然多糖的化学分析 韩全斌 香港浸会大学教授 Chemical Analysis of Natural Polysaccharides Quanbin Han Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University |
9:00-9:30 | 基于高分辨质谱的食品药品中毒性化合物非靶向筛查 周燕 中国科学院成都生物研究所 研究员 Non-targeted Screening of Toxic Compounds in Food and Drugs Based on High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Research Fellow Yan Zhou, Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
9:30-9:45 | 食品中氮/蛋白质快速测定解决方案(10min) 潘婷 德国元素 产品专家 Fast Nitrogen/Protein Determination Solution in Food Ting.Pan, Elementar, Product Specialist |
9:45-10:00 | 瑞士万通离子色谱在食品行业的最新技术及应用进展介绍 李致伯 瑞士万通中国有限公司 产品经理 Introduction to the latest technology and application of Metrohm IC in the food industry Li Zhibo,Metrohm China,Product Manager |
10:00-10:20 | 食品中迷迭香提取物分析方法的开发 黄耀同博士 中国香港特别行政区政府化验所分析及咨询事务部 添加剂, 污染物及成分组 化验师 Development of Analytical Method for Rosemary Extract in food Dr. Yiu-Tung Wong, Chemist, Additives, Contaminants & Composition Section, Analytical and Advisory Services, Government Laboratory, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region |
10:30-10:40 茶歇 Coffee break | |
10:40-12:05 (宴会厅B) B Hall | 论坛九:微生物检测方法及标准进展 Session 9:Microbioal detection methods and standards 主持人:王伟 国家食品安全风险评估中心 研究员 Chair: Wang wei, National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Professor |
10:40-11:10 | 采用MRS和TOS培养基对双歧杆菌计数的比较研究及其适宜稀释液的考察 田中直子 森永乳业株式会社 研究本部 素材应用研究所 菌体研究室 主任研究员 Comparative Studies of MRS and TOS Medium and the Examination of Suitable Dilution Solutions for the Enumeration of Bifidobacteria Naoko Tanaka, Probiotics Production Technology Research Section, Food Ingredients & Technology Institute, R&D Division, Manager |
| 商业无菌检测ATP法分享 徐成维 雀巢天津质量保证中心 高级微生物专家 Commercial sterility testing ATP method sharing Chengwei Xu, Nestle NQAC (Tianjin), Senior Microbiologist |
11:30-11:45 | 食品微生物学检验中PCR的相关应用 (10m) 陈艺彩博士 北京陆桥技术股份有限公司 分子研发主管 The application of PCR on Food Microbiological Methods CHEN YI CAI, BEIJING LAND BRIDGE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD., Molecular Testing Product R&D Supervisor (Dr.) |
11:45-12:05 | 食品中蜡样芽孢杆菌检测国标修订进展 杨勇博士 浙江省疾病预防控制中心研究员 Progress on Revision of GB 4789.14 Inspection of Bacillus cereus Yang yong, Researcher, Zhejiang CDC |
12:00-13:30 午餐 Lunch |
13:30-16:30 (宴会厅A) A Hall | 论坛十:食品安全关注热点及标准研究 Session 10:Study for Methods and Standardization for Food Safety high concerns 主持人:武彦文 北京市科学技术研究院分析测试研究所 矿物油分析测试研究室主任 Chair: Yanwen Wu, Institute of Analysis and Testing, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, Director of the Mineral Oil Analysis and Testing Research Laboratory |
13:30-13:50 | 农药污染物液相色谱-高分辨质谱标准参考数据集构建 常巧英 中国质量检验检测科学研究院 副研究员 Establishment of Standard Reference Dataset for Pesticide Contaminants by Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry Dr. Qiaoying Chang, Associate Researcher of Chinese Academy of Quality and Inspection & Testing
13:50-14:05 | 微塑料原位检测技术的深化研究与实践应用(10m) 娄晏强 珀金埃尔默材料表征产品技术支持经理 Deepening Research and Practical Application of In-situ Detection Technology for Microplastics Yanqiang Lou, Technical Support Manager of Material Characterization Products in PerkinElmer |
14:05-14:20 | 不同食品基质全氟化合物检测研究 (10m) 刘芳 岛津企业管理(中国)有限公司 市场部行业主管 Research of PFAS analysis in different food matrixs Fang Liu, Shimadzu China Co.,LTD, marketing supervisor |
14:20-14:40 | 食品基质中超低痕量PFAS的精准分析 吕美玲博士 安捷伦科技(中国)有限公司 高级应用工程师 Precise analysis of ultra-low trace PFAS in food matrices Dr. Meiling Lu, Senior Application Engineer, Agilent Technologies (China) Co. |
14:40-15:00 | 食品中矿物油检测能力验证经验分享 武彦文 北京市科学技术研究院分析测试研究所 矿物油分析测试研究室主任 Experience on the International Proficiency Testing of MOH in Foods Yanwen Wu, Institute of Analysis and Testing, Beijing Academy of Science and Technology, Director of the Mineral Oil Analysis and Testing Research Laboratory |
15:00-15:20 | 食品中氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯测定的挑战和方法比较研究 傅武胜 福建省疾控中心卫生检验所 副所长 Challenges and Comparative Study of Methods for Determination of Chloropropanol Esters and Glycyrrhetinic Esters in Food Wusheng Fu, Health Inspection Institute of the Fujian Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention, deputy director |
15:20-15:40 | 食品中新型污染物矿物油、氯丙醇酯和缩水甘油酯全自动分析方案 张鸿 上海仪真分析仪器有限公司 高级产品经理 Automation solution for Mineral oil,MCPDs and Glycidol Analysis in Food Hong Zhang, Esensing Analytical Technology Co., Ltd, Senior Product Manager |
16:30-17:30 (宴会厅A) A Hall | 国标跟踪评价之国内外标准协调性研究工作 总结及颁奖 主持人:梁成珠 AOAC 中国分部 肖晶 国家食品安全风险评估中心 周琦 中国认证认可协会 Comparison study of GB and International standards: Wrap up and Award Chair: Dr. Chengzhu Liang, AOAC China section Jing Xiao, CFSA QI Zhou, CCAA |
18:00 | 大会结束,参展商撤展 Meeting adjourned, exhibition remove |
会议日程安排和演讲题目可能根据专家建议略有调整,大会组委会保留修改解释权 Agenda might be adjusted according to the experts proposals |